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Personal Perspective

Six Tips for Fire Pit Safety

By May 1, 2014No Comments

Spend your spring evenings around your fire pit, and enjoy the warmth and comfort it provides. Just be sure to follow six safety techniques to protect your friend and family.

  1. Pay Attention to PlacementSetting up the fire pit in the right location improves safety. Start with an even and solid surface. Pay attention also to the surroundings too and avoid placing your fire pit near flammable objects like trees, brush and buildings.
  2. Follow the Operating InstructionsEach fire pit operates a little differently, so make sure you read the owner’s manual for your model. Additionally, never operate an outdoor unit indoors and always have a garden hose or fire extinguisher handy.
  3. Start the Fire Properly You may have invited friends over for a relaxing night by the fire, but never start a fire while a strong wind is blowing. Doing so could create an inferno that quickly grows out of control.

    Likewise, avoid using accelerants to start the fire. Tinder like newspaper and twigs should be enough to start a fire successfully without creating a safety hazard.

  4. Keep Your DistanceSparks look harmless, but they are potentially dangerous. Use a fire screen to prevent errant sparks. You’ll also want to sit at a safe distance away from the fire and keep an eye on it. Your children should also be supervised to prevent them from walking too close to the fire pit.
  5. Stock a First Aid KitDespite your best safety precautions, burns can happen as you hang out near the fire pit. Stock a first aid kit and burn cream nearby to ease the pain and prevent infections.
  6. Extinguish is CompletelyAfter your evening of fun, douse the fire and the ashes with water. You don’t want the fire to smolder and flare while you’re sleeping.

This spring, spend your evenings around the fire pit. Just be sure to follow six safety procedures that increase your fun.