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Life and Health

Healthy Eating: It’s Cheaper Than You Think!

By October 4, 2014No Comments

“I want to eat better, but I just can’t afford it.” Does that sound like something you’ve said or thought recently? Healthy eating can seem more expensive, but in the long term, it’s not. Good nutrition at any point in your life can help keep you healthy so you don’t need to pay as much for medical care or life insurance.

It Starts with “Eating for Two”

You probably already know the value of nutrition if you’re pregnant. You want to make sure your baby has all of the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

Maintaining a normal weight before conception and gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy is another component.

Eating well can save money because it reduces the risk of premature delivery, low birth weight, and health conditions that require expensive care for your baby. It also reduces your risk of having complications. If you’re a father, eating right and staying healthy can keep you active and able to support your family whether you’re at home or working.

Likely Long-Term Cost Savings from Healthy Eating

Nutrition affects your risk for all kinds of chronic diseases. When you get the nutrients you need and avoid gaining extra pounds, you’re at lower risk for chronic conditions. These are some of the costs that many people can avoid by eating healthy.

* Prescription medications to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
* Trips to the hospital and recovery time for bone fractures from osteoporosis.
* Blood sugar monitoring devices and medications for diabetes.

Lower Life Insurance Premiums

Being healthy is also going to save you when you’re looking for health insurance. Health insurance rates are based on the likelihood that something will happen to you. Many health conditions can bump up your premiums. These are some of the conditions that increase your risk of dying and that you can help prevent with a healthy diet.

* Heart disease and risk factors such as high cholesterol.
* Diabetes.
* Obesity.
* High blood pressure.

Fresh, nutritious foods may be more costly than junk foods, but they’ll save you money in the long run. They help you manage your weight and get the nutrients you need so that you can avoid expensive medical care and keep your life insurance costs down.