Do you know the most common residential insurance claims? Learn what they are so that you can prepare your home this fall. That way, you’ll prevent expensive repairs and possible insurance rate spikes before winter weather strikes.
1. Water Damage
From a leaking roof to cracked pipes, water damage can ruin your home and possessions. Inspect the roof and make any repairs before heavy snow and ice arrive. Clean and repair rain gutters, too, to ensure water runs off into the street instead of saturating the ground around your basement.
2. Fire Damage
Unexpected cooking or heating source fires can quickly level a home. While you’ll want to test your indoor smoke detector batteries and practice the escape plan, replace furnace filters and clean the chimney, too. Then, inspect the exterior of the chimney to remove bird nests and ensure it is in safe working order.
3. Storm and Wind Damage
Snow, ice and wind storms damage fences and roofs. Take time now to trim trees and remove dead or low-hanging branches that could do the most damage around your property. Nail loose siding into place and secure patio furniture, bicycles and other loose items inside the shed to prevent them from flying away or being damaged.
4. Visitor Accidents
Uneven sidewalk, loose railings and worn deck stairs could cause your winter visitors to slip and fall. Fix these problems now. Also, stock ice melt and a sturdy shovel so that you can remove ice and snow as soon as bad weather starts and before anyone suffers an injury.
5. Animal Bites
Prevent your dog from biting or attacking anyone when you repair the fence so that it can’t escape the yard. Ensure the lock is tight as well. When visitors come into your yard, tie your dog securely to a post with a sturdy leash.
These five common insurance claims could affect you, but preventative measures go a long way toward protecting your family, home and visitors this winter. While you’re at it, ensure your home insurance policy is up to date. Add liability coverage or an umbrella policy if necessary when you talk to your agent today.