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Your Employee Matters

How to Conduct Employee Evaluations

By August 16, 2017No Comments

Employee evaluations are a way for your company to ensure employees performing their jobs properly. They also help your business succeed. Use several tips as you conduct these evaluations thoroughly and fairly.

Gather Relevant Data

Prepare an accurate picture of the employee’s performance across the board and for the entire year when you gather relevant data and statistics. This data can include productivity reports, behavior logs and supervisor’s reports.

Be Specific if Improvement is Needed

It’s not enough to tell an employee that they need to sell more widgets, cooperate better with co-workers or take on a bigger leadership role. You also need to provide measurable suggestions and clear deadlines to help them meet their goals. Consider saying, “You need to sell 20 percent more widgets this quarter” or “I want you to lead the next monthly team meeting.”

Be Honest

Sharing negative feedback can be challenging. However, it will help your employee and company grow, so strive for honesty in your evaluations, even if it’s tough.

Stay Positive

Always include praise in your employee evaluation. Employees who receive positive feedback are more positive, engaged and productive as they do their job.

Ask for Employee Feedback

Use your employee evaluations to build reciprocal relationships. Ask each of your employees to share feedback on your business’s performance. They may see issues you don’t and will feel valued when their opinions are heard.

Consider Evaluation Manners

Because an evaluation can be stressful for you and your employees, use your manners when scheduling and conducting the evaluations.

  • Give your employee plenty of notice so they can prepare.
  • Avoid meeting at high-stress times like Monday morning or during the busy season.
  • Choose a quiet location.
  • Allow plenty of time to discuss positive and negative issues.

Prepare to Disagree

Despite clear evidence, your employees may not agree that they are falling short of expectations. Have a policy in place to handle disagreements.

  • Give the employee an opportunity to prove their side with facts.
  • Ask the employee to write down why they disagree.
  • Include this written report in the official written evaluation.
  • Plan to meet again in a few weeks if necessary to resolve the issue.

Follow Up

After the evaluation, schedule a follow up meeting. It gives you a chance to ensure the employee fixes any problems.

Write a Complete Evaluation

All employee evaluations become part of your employee’s file. Be sure it’s complete, detailed and easy for an outsider to read in case you must share the evaluation for legal or other reasons.

Employee evaluations help your employees and company grow. Consider implementing these tips for your next employee evaluations