When you apply for Life insurance, you’ll need to undergo a medical exam that measures your height, weight, and blood pressure, collects blood and urine samples, and checks your general physical condition. The results will become part of your insurance application. Unfavorable results, such as a high blood pressure reading, will probably result in higher rates.
To ensure that your exam is accurate and garners the best possible results, we’d recommend following these guidelines:
- Stay well-hydrated. Drinking water before the exam can make it easier to draw your blood, which is necessary for obtaining cholesterol readings.
- Fast for four to eight hours before the exam.
- Limit salt intake for an hour before the exam.
- Refrain from physical exercise and alcohol for 12 hours before the exam.
- Avoid caffeine and nicotine, which can elevate blood pressure. Black coffee is okay up to an hour before the exam, but adding cream and sugar is like going off your fast.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Being well-rested won’t necessarily affect your exam results, but might ease “white coat anxiety” — the tendency to exhibit elevated blood pressure readings during an exam.
- Know your medications. Generally you will be asked questions about your medical history during the exam, including whether you’re currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications.
- Test outside menstrual periods. Female applicants should not take the test when they’re menstruating.
Best of luck with your exam!