Coconut Insurance
Did you know that 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts? That’s ten times as many annual deaths as we owe to sharks. When British travel agency Club Direct started to offer policies for coconut-related injuries, some laughed, but a vacationer in Sri Lanka actually filed a claim after getting conked with a coconut. The claim was honored in full.
The Great North Carolina Cigar Fires
A North Carolina lawyer bought a box of fine cigars, and took the time to insure them against damages. A month later, he filed a claim, saying that the cigars were lost in a series of “small fires.” You know… like how cigars are normally smoked? The insurance company actually paid up… and then had the lawyer arrested for arson and insurance fraud. Given how many arsonists burn down their own homes and businesses to earn a quick buck, you could say that at least he chose a relatively non-destructive way to try and defraud his insurance company.
Lost Baggage
A cruise ship guest found himself seasick on a luxury tour, and threw up over the side of the boat. His dentures fell out in the process, but good news! The loss was covered under his insurance as “lost baggage.”
How Many Licks Does it Take?
A couple were vacationing in France, touring the peaceful countryside when a herd of cows approached the car and began licking it. The licking damage was so extensive that the car wound up needing a new coat of paint. Luckily, that was covered… somehow.
Monkeying Around
You’ve probably seen videos on Youtube or the Travel channel showing the monkeys in parts of Asia who raid beach resorts and steal booze from the people there, or rummage through their stuff. One couple traveling through Malaysia found a gang of unruly primates strewing their clothing and other luggage around the jungle. Fortunately, this was covered as theft under their insurance policy. No word yet on whether they’ve chosen to press charges against the brazen criminals