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Construction Insurance Bulletin

Security, Insurance and Construction

By July 1, 2016No Comments

CON-july16-1Security and insurance are two services that are forever intertwined. The more secure your job site, the less you’re going to have to pay for insurance. This applies to almost every field: With a safer car, you pay less for auto insurance. With better cybersecurity for your office network, you pay less for business insurance. If you take care of your body, your health insurance is cheaper, and so on.

The less of a risk you are taking on a day-to-day basis, the less money you’re going to be paying for insurance, and even better:

The less likely you are to ever need to cash in on your policy in the first place.

It’s good to know that someone has your back in case you get into an auto accident, for instance, but isn’t it better to not get into an auto accident in the first place?

Keeping security staff on the grounds can help in a number of ways:

    • Quick response: Security staff can be tasked with handling emergency protocol, from directing ambulances to offering first-aid (basic first-aid training being a licensing requirement for security officers in many states)
    • Discouraging theft and vandalism: The secret about security guards is that most of them aren’t actually allowed to engage physically with suspected criminals except in a life or death situation. But, the presence of the uniform goes a long way towards discouraging would-be criminals from targeting your job site over an unguarded location.
    • A friendly face: A security officer works as both a guard and a receptionist, helping visitors around the site and taking notes as needed.
    • Lower insurance: Because of the services that a security officer provides, you can expect lower insurance costs, and fewer instances where you will need to call on your insurer in the first place.

When arranging a budget with a client, it may be a good idea to talk about budgeting for security staff. Obviously not every building project demands round-the-clock security, and even on jobs where security can be a big help, you might only need them around on nights and weekends.

In any event, simply not leaving a building site unattended overnight can go a long way towards lowering your insurance costs and making sure that someone is there to handle it should there be a problem that arises when nobody on your team is around to manage it.