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Risk Management Bulletin

How to Prep Your Commercial Property for Winter Snow and Ice Removal

By January 15, 2018No Comments

Winter weather often includes snow and ice, two hazards that can create dangerous conditions on your commercial property. Prepare to keep your employees and customers safe when you prep your property for winter snow and ice removal.

Inspect Lighting

The exterior, walkways and entrance lights on your property should be in good working order. Inspect them now to ensure the bulbs work and that they adequately illuminate your entire property.

Remove Debris

Leaves, branches and other debris on the ground can cause falls and slips, and this debris hinders snow and ice removal. Clear your property before winter weather arrives, and maintain ongoing clean-ups as needed so your property remains tidy and safe.

Prune Landscaping

Accumulating ice and snow can cause tree branches to bend and break, which affects safety on your property. Prune trees and bushes to prevent this hazard. Remember to trim bushes near walkways and the plow route, too.

Improve Water Drainage

Dangerous ice puddles can form in areas where water accumulates, so improve the water drainage around your property. A professional landscaper can help you prepare your sidewalks, parking lot and entire property for winter.

Prevent Slips and Falls

You are responsible to prevent slips and falls in every area of your commercial property. After you identify potential risks around the parking lot, walkways, entrances and steps, correct any issues. You may need to install rubber mats, secure handrails or fix sidewalks.

Examine the Roof

Because wet snow weighs heavily on your property’s roof, it can cause severe damage. Examine the roof to ensure it’s in good repair, and clear debris from the downspouts and drains. When snow storms start, clear the roof as often as necessary.

Prepare for a Power Loss

If ice or wind damages power lines, you could lose power, which affects the lighting and safety on your property. Purchase a generator, become familiar with how to use it properly and test it before you need it.

Stock Appropriate Equipment

Make a list of winter equipment you need to keep your property safe. Your list may include shovels, ice melter, flashlights and a snowblower.

Review Snow and Ice Removal Contracts

Before winter weather strikes, review your snow and ice removal contracts. The person or company you hire should be reliable, show proof of adequate insurance and be experienced with the proper techniques for removing snow and ice on your specific property.

This winter, you can maintain safety on your commercial property when you take these steps. Your insurance agent can also share invaluable tips with you and update your business insurance policies as you prepare your commercial property for winter weather.